Fire Info:



I spoke with Troy Waskey, our Trail Creek Fire Liaison, and he advised that the Wisdom and Hwy 43 Road block will be manned at that location only when the road is to be closed, otherwise the deputy needs to be parked west of the Nez Perce Battle Field complex.  The Hwy 93 and Hwy 43 roadblock with stay in the same location.


FYI: If the road is not closed, we have been asked to patrol Hwy 43 and slow traffic down in the 35 zone (between the Battle Field and top of the pass).  We can make traffic stops (mutual aid authority) but I don’t recommend it, as we really don’t have radio service to our dispatch. Maybe just flash your top lights to get their attention.


We are being provided with a couple of handheld radios so we can communicate with Troy. Scott, a Park Ranger, who will be driving a rented jeep, will be in contact with you during your shift, except the maybe midnight to 0900 shift.


If you have any questions, get ahold of me.


Make sure you have mosquito spray

